It seems like every time I turn on the TV or look at facebook, I am inundated with bad news. A friend venting about work, social injustice, and even Kardashian drama consume me and cloud my otherwise sunny outlook. I recently read a great HuffPost article about the importance of optimism, which claims, "The potential for life draining negativity lies within us, as does the potential for life giving positivity. Our previous, perhaps unproductive, habits of negative thinking need not be forever."
It can be hard to remain optimistic when life gives us so many reasons to worry, but it's not hard to find positive ways to turn our perspective around! It’s important to combat negativity by filling your cup - taking time for yourself - on a regular basis. Next time you need to change your mood, try disconnecting from whatever's bringing you down and immersing yourself in one of these positive habits to re-center and rejuvenate you:
Exploring your neighborhood or a new park down the street can be extremely beneficial. Not only will it get your blood moving and those endorphins flowing, but it will make you feel more connected to your community. Try walking solo, or bring a pal or puppy along! The fresh air and companionship are sure to brighten your mood.
Showers are quick and efficient, but because you’re standing, you’re less likely to fully relax as you scrub down before your dinner date or work appointment. Taking the time to draw a bath (ideally with scented lavender bubbles) will relax you. There is also the added benefit that technology and water aren’t a great combo, so put your phone to the side and read your book while in the bath.
Reach out to an old friend or make a new one. Rather than send Snaps back and forth or get into a Twitter debate, meet a pal for brunch and talk about what’s going on in your world. Not only is this a great time to wrap your head around all the craziness stressing you out, it is also a time to immerse yourself in stimulating, unrelated conversation. Don’t just discuss frustrations and fears; rather, engage in discussion about your passions and interests. Maybe take a page out of Megan Hull’s book and come up with a creative activity to keep your hands busy and your heart full!
Truly, the act of brewing a cup of tea is relaxing on its own. However, choosing a relaxing, caffeine-free blend like Cape Town provides the added benefit of rich antioxidants and soothing herbs. Blocking out even just five minutes a day to literally fill your tea cup can leave you feeling fulfilled and rejuvenated personally, too.
What is your go-to strategy for keeping your head up when life’s got you down? Share your favorite ways to keep your own cup full, so you can continue living a life full of passion and positivity.
I just watched the episode of Shark Tank featuring you and your company and I think you are amazing. I just placed a nice size order to try everything out as I am an avid daily tea drinker (Chai is my tea of choice)! I love your website and am a local yoga instructor here in Santa Monica and am excited to share your teas with my fellow tea drinking friends. I’m thrilled you didn’t become discouraged with some of the feedback you received on the Shark Tank show and look forward to watching your company continue to grow. Much love and continued success! Namaste, Phyllis Marie
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